Well, you know how in Shrek 2 they are in the carrige and Donkey is annoying them by making that popping sound with his mouth? Yeah well i have been practicing that and i can finally do it! Seeeeeeeeeeee (u might want to turn the sound up....)
Friday, December 25, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
more funny photos
I was mucking around with my camera today, and i managed to take this picture:

Isnt it awesome?! It looks like my soul is being sucked out by a Dementor like in Harry Potter 3!!!! Anyhoo, me and my family are going camping in a week or so, so today we are going out to buy some equipment. Until next time mes amis!
Isnt it awesome?! It looks like my soul is being sucked out by a Dementor like in Harry Potter 3!!!! Anyhoo, me and my family are going camping in a week or so, so today we are going out to buy some equipment. Until next time mes amis!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Run, boy, run!
Well it is summer now and suuuunnnnay... Today we went to the park for my little bro's picnic with his school on the park. The sun was strong so i sat down at this table in the shade, then all the parents came there as well and put the food there, then all the annoying 8 year olds came as well to eat the food. Damn it... I managed to get them away in the end by saying things like "i bet Max would beat Michael in a race!" and then off they go... I am, it has to be said, a genius.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Me, myself and I
1.Where is your phone? Next to me.
2.Your hair? Bed head.
3.Your Mother? English Teacher
4.Your Father? Physicist/Scientist
5.Your favourite food? Thai green chicken curry wif bamboo shoots
6.Your dream last night? Ummmmm, i cant remember.
7.Your favourite drink? Water, ice coffee.
8.Your dream/goal? To become an actress
9.What room are you in? The study.
10.Your hobbie? blogging, reading (is that a hobby?), photography.
11.Your fear? Global Warming (i'm terrified!)
12.Favourite Sport? Theater Sports.
13.Where were you last night? At a Channukah party in a park.
14.Something that your not? Dumb.
15.Muffins? Ooooooo yummay...
16.Wishlist item? A good SLR camera.
17.Where did you grow up? Brisbane, Australia.
2.Your hair? Bed head.
3.Your Mother? English Teacher
4.Your Father? Physicist/Scientist
5.Your favourite food? Thai green chicken curry wif bamboo shoots
6.Your dream last night? Ummmmm, i cant remember.
7.Your favourite drink? Water, ice coffee.
8.Your dream/goal? To become an actress
9.What room are you in? The study.
10.Your hobbie? blogging, reading (is that a hobby?), photography.
11.Your fear? Global Warming (i'm terrified!)
12.Favourite Sport? Theater Sports.
13.Where were you last night? At a Channukah party in a park.
14.Something that your not? Dumb.
15.Muffins? Ooooooo yummay...
16.Wishlist item? A good SLR camera.
17.Where did you grow up? Brisbane, Australia.
Ok, so i lied
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
I have been thinking lately of ways to get more followers on my blog. It seems now one is particularly interested in my life. My friend Elfie's blog is bringing in followers like like ants confronted with honey (ok, now that was a bad metaphor), even though her blog is not much older than mine. In her blog it is all sweet, and deep and lovely writing and people seem to like that, so as an experiment my blog is going to become somewhat that style. Starting tomorrow...
P.S. I got my report card today, straight A's! Even in PE!!!!!
P.S. I got my report card today, straight A's! Even in PE!!!!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Elfie dreams...
The other day i drew a picture of my dear friend Elfie (aka Veronica). Elfie is a dreamer, a little unsure of herself at times but a lovely person. Here she is...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
My mutti made some yummy brownies today while i was at school so they were all ready when i got home from walking. I then settled down in front of YouTube and ate chocolate ice cream and brownies while watching 10 things i hate about you. Thats the life...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
New Moon
I went to see New Moon today and it was hooooooorrrrrrrribleeeeeeee it was worse than i expected! It was sooooooo long and i was just sitting thee wishing it was over (though this might also be due to the fact i had to go piddly diddly department). Everybody was saying how hot Taylor Lautner is and i have to say I DO NOT AGREE. The guy who played Demetri was WAY cooler. The first time Lautner took his shirt off a shouted at the screen to put his shirt back on XD Also when the movie started, in the opening titles me and my friend Angela started singing the Harry Potter theme (which compared to New Moon, the movies are excellent, though i am faithful to the books through and through) Me and my other friend, Kate, got told to shut up by some woman sitting near us because we were complaining about Robert Pattinson a wee bit to loudly. I would also like to point out that Edward Never looks at anyone in the eye, he kinda looks past them looking constipated. And i have a felling (spelled like that on purpose, inside joke) that Kristen Stuart is on drugs.
After the movie Kate, Angela and I went to all the shops downstairs and was trying on dresses. ¡Twas lots of fun! (haha, espanol style).
And i have got a reeeaaally sore ingrown toenail.
After the movie Kate, Angela and I went to all the shops downstairs and was trying on dresses. ¡Twas lots of fun! (haha, espanol style).
And i have got a reeeaaally sore ingrown toenail.

Sunday, November 15, 2009
I am a professional photographer YEAH
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Haha, it was so funny at Guitar on wednesday! Ok, i was sitting there in the room where i have my lessons and i was getting my guitar out of it's case. Then i picked up the case and lent it on the wall/window that looks into the other room where this guy was playing the piano (very intently). As i lent the case on the window the zips on it (the case) kinda tapped against the window and the guy playing the piano got such a fright and jumped around to see what made the noise. Doesnt sound so funny cause u had to be there and see the expression on his face. HILAAArious! Hahahaha.....
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Fairy dust
Ok. I was reading some blogs of friends of mine and some other random blogs and they all have this way of making their blogs all pretty and lovely and beautiful. No offense to them, the blogs are gorgeous and everything, but they still amuse me. A lot of those people aren't even like that in real life. Soooooooooooooooo, just as a fun thing to do i am gonna do a spoof on one of those blogs. Here we go...
Today was absolutely gorgeously hot and the sun beat down on my shiny, glitter flecked neck, like MILLIONS of lovely fairy wings. I felt like i could soar into the lovely sky and prance on clouds to my pretty heart's content! Suddenly, a unicorn galloped out of the beautiful forest and said she would carry my off to the land of many wonderful dreams. She said there i could eat cool ice cream with a lovely, shiny, plump, red, sweat-smelling, gorgeous, tasty, lovely, juicy, lovely, perfect, lovely cherry on top. I said i would, it would be simply perfect! So we galloped away from the harsh reality of life.
Today was absolutely gorgeously hot and the sun beat down on my shiny, glitter flecked neck, like MILLIONS of lovely fairy wings. I felt like i could soar into the lovely sky and prance on clouds to my pretty heart's content! Suddenly, a unicorn galloped out of the beautiful forest and said she would carry my off to the land of many wonderful dreams. She said there i could eat cool ice cream with a lovely, shiny, plump, red, sweat-smelling, gorgeous, tasty, lovely, juicy, lovely, perfect, lovely cherry on top. I said i would, it would be simply perfect! So we galloped away from the harsh reality of life.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Bacon is a con
Heyyyyyyy do member that time when the Maccas add was:
It is a vair vair catchy tune, and even my lobely kosher (doesnt eat piggies) friend had it stuck in her head the whole time she was over for a sleepover. Hahahahaha funnay times...
Did you know that Bacon IS A CON? Cause it is. You see, BACON has a B and a A in it. A is VOWEL just like E. So we can scrap A and replace it with E. So it becomes BECON. The word BE means, er, you know what it means! So then you can scrap that and replace it with IS. So now we have ISCON. Obviously we just split up those two lobely words and we have IS CON. Then we add a little A in between cause A is in the original word so we have IS A CON. There you have it! See what the manufacturers are hiding from us? See, see SEEEEEEEE????? You would have to be blind freddy not to see that.
Thank you, thank you, thank you very much *in a naff impersonation of Elvis*
It is a vair vair catchy tune, and even my lobely kosher (doesnt eat piggies) friend had it stuck in her head the whole time she was over for a sleepover. Hahahahaha funnay times...
Did you know that Bacon IS A CON? Cause it is. You see, BACON has a B and a A in it. A is VOWEL just like E. So we can scrap A and replace it with E. So it becomes BECON. The word BE means, er, you know what it means! So then you can scrap that and replace it with IS. So now we have ISCON. Obviously we just split up those two lobely words and we have IS CON. Then we add a little A in between cause A is in the original word so we have IS A CON. There you have it! See what the manufacturers are hiding from us? See, see SEEEEEEEE????? You would have to be blind freddy not to see that.
Thank you, thank you, thank you very much *in a naff impersonation of Elvis*
Friday, November 6, 2009
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOW WILL I GO ON!!!!!!!! THE GEORGIA NICOLSON SERIES HAS OFFICIALLY FINISHED! FINIS! FINESTRA! ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH WE HAVE BEEN TOGETHER SO LONG!!!!!! HOW WILL I LIVE WITHOUT YOUR POINTLESS RAMBLINGS A GENIOSITY EXTREME! I will just have to read it over and over again like Harry Potter. *sniff*. It is the bestiest book in da whole wide world! So here is a little haiku i wrote in honor of this parting...
Georgia Nicolson
I lobe you (but i'm not lez)
Pants for the memos
And that is it. Dont u just luuuuuuuuuuuuuurve it? I do. Its FUNNAY! Hahahahahahahahahaha. And sad. Boohoo :'(.
Georgia Nicolson
I lobe you (but i'm not lez)
Pants for the memos
And that is it. Dont u just luuuuuuuuuuuuuurve it? I do. Its FUNNAY! Hahahahahahahahahaha. And sad. Boohoo :'(.
Monday, November 2, 2009
New blog!
Dont get scared O not faithful readers! I am not deleting this lobely blog. I have just merely made ANOTHER blog. This blog new blog is a BOOK REVIEW blog! Here is the link..
Awesomauce book reviews from Jupiter 2
I havnt actually reviewed any books on it cause i am in a hurry, but u should check it out soon cause i will post something!
Awesomauce book reviews from Jupiter 2
I havnt actually reviewed any books on it cause i am in a hurry, but u should check it out soon cause i will post something!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
My locker almost killed me
One lovely spring day, after school, all the happy children were making there way through the squishy corridors to their lobely lockers. I was amongst them (uh duh). Then suddenly, a very pathetic fight broke out! One dude pushed another dude and that dude that was pushed by the other dude fell practically on top of me while i was innocently getting my bag out of my bottom locker. This resulted in the little sticky outey thing that the lock slips into (no dirty thoughts there i hope!) jabbing me in the shoulder while my other arm was slammed into the side of the locker. Now i have a gorgeous red scaby thing on my shoulder along with a small bruise, and on the other arm a lovely red scrape and a MASSIVE bruise. THE END.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Wearable Art
photos de Gabbbbb
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I cant think of a title
HEY. The hols have been GREAT of cours and i have been such a busy bee that i have had no time for blogging! Well i will go through my week. On sunday till wednesday i was at Noy-chooks house then i went back to Len's and we went to GOMA which is the gallery of mordern art for all those dim people out there. We went to see this exabition of fashion by Easton Pearson. The clothes were awesome! And, for fun, Len and I pretended to be fashiony typee people from England and america like that guy on Americas next top model. We were all like "so hot right now!" and "i absolutly luuuuurve the ditails in this skirt, absolutly gorgeous, hun!" and things like that. Twas fun! Then we went to the third level to see this freekily realistic sculpture of a giant woman in bed and Len practically had funny turn cause she was so scared of hights cause there was kinda this kinda opening in the floor with a railing (u know the kinda) so Lenny B was edging her way across the wall with her eyes closed IT WAS SO LOLARIOUS.
Then on thursday me and Len stayed in bed till 2 in the afternoon! We wernt actually asleep it was just cause we had all we needed in that one room. Clothes, books, internet connection and Lenny B's little sista just kept on bring us food!
Friday was also a stay at home day. We got up then we decided to make some cup cakes. We didnt use a recipe so we just put a bit of this and that in the bowl the put them in the oven till we thought they were ready and they turned out to be THE BEST BLOODY CUP CAKES I HAVE EVER TASTED! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Yummmmm.... We then watched a movie while eating the cup cakes and popcorn.... OOps gotta go, will continue later!
Then on thursday me and Len stayed in bed till 2 in the afternoon! We wernt actually asleep it was just cause we had all we needed in that one room. Clothes, books, internet connection and Lenny B's little sista just kept on bring us food!
Friday was also a stay at home day. We got up then we decided to make some cup cakes. We didnt use a recipe so we just put a bit of this and that in the bowl the put them in the oven till we thought they were ready and they turned out to be THE BEST BLOODY CUP CAKES I HAVE EVER TASTED! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Yummmmm.... We then watched a movie while eating the cup cakes and popcorn.... OOps gotta go, will continue later!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
HELLO MY CHUMLIE WUMBLIES. Just a quck post from my best fwend (who i have known since i was 1) Noy Chook's house. For i am in Brisi and having a ball of a time. Tho much fun. Anyhoo i am just wanted to tell u all about Lenny B's blog. You all have to read it. Tis very interesting. here it is....
I would just like to add that iff u do happen to read her 'Big Woo' post there is a part in it where she is talking about her sch and how she got a special acknowledgement for her mention of the Vietnam War. Yer, i wrote that part.
I would just like to add that iff u do happen to read her 'Big Woo' post there is a part in it where she is talking about her sch and how she got a special acknowledgement for her mention of the Vietnam War. Yer, i wrote that part.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Mia in spain
i am really sad cause Mia is going to spain. U see, she is in a spanish immersion class at school so most of the stuff she does in spanish, its really hard work. And because of this she (and her class) are going to spain for a few months to practice their spanish and get to know the culture, which is really cool. But it means i wont see her when i visit Brisbane in a week which i am really sad about :(. Thats all for now, i dont really have anything else to say. Except that life is so dull at the mo and i have turned into this quiet (well more quiet than i used to be) depressed girl, that nobody pays any attention to. But thats not me, cause i am not like that. Really i am a bubbly, crazy, cant stop talking type of person that is never seen without Lenny B or Mia. Sigh.....
Monday, September 7, 2009
Well I was thinking, cause everyone else posts poems, why shouldnt I? So here is one of my favorites i wrote....
For green fields and rolling hills,
With sweet smelling pine and shady oaks,
For the quiet sheep grazing still,
My heart does yearn.
For the gentle pitter-patter of rain,
Seeping through the soft over hanging leaves,
For the grey-blue skies seen over soft terrain,
My heart does yearn.
For the winding path of the River Thames,
And the tall great buildings of London Town,
For the fashions and the culture and English names,
My heart does yearn.
For green fields and rolling hills,
With sweet smelling pine and shady oaks,
For the quiet sheep grazing still,
My heart does yearn.
For the gentle pitter-patter of rain,
Seeping through the soft over hanging leaves,
For the grey-blue skies seen over soft terrain,
My heart does yearn.
For the winding path of the River Thames,
And the tall great buildings of London Town,
For the fashions and the culture and English names,
My heart does yearn.
I really am a pretty bad blogger aren't I? Well not as bad as some people. I mean, who said we have to blog everyday? No one. But I am sure a lot of people can debate that :)
Well i am really annoyed about something (as per usual) but now i am really REALLY annoyed. You wanna know whyyyyyyy??? Well to bad, i am not going to tell you. JUST KIDDING! The reason I am annoyed is because of a maths test. You are now probs thinking "duuuuh, thats not that amazingggg, duuuuh" but this time it is different. This is because i actually WANT to do the test. BECAUSE I WANT TO GET IT OVER AND DONE WITH!!!!!!The thing is, i am ahead of the class in maths, coming from year 9 and all and going back to yr 8 (i'm not dumb or anything, jeez, its just the stupid governments fault for making different states different years) so i had to do othe work while the class was doing other stuff. I was then going to do my test last Tuesday but i wasnt ready, so i was going to do it on thursday, but the teacher didnt bring the test. So THEN we decided to do it on monday (today) BUT SHE DIDNT BRING THE BLOODY TEST! AAAAARGH!!!!! DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!
P.S. I am going to Brisbane next week. YAY XD!
Well i am really annoyed about something (as per usual) but now i am really REALLY annoyed. You wanna know whyyyyyyy??? Well to bad, i am not going to tell you. JUST KIDDING! The reason I am annoyed is because of a maths test. You are now probs thinking "duuuuh, thats not that amazingggg, duuuuh" but this time it is different. This is because i actually WANT to do the test. BECAUSE I WANT TO GET IT OVER AND DONE WITH!!!!!!The thing is, i am ahead of the class in maths, coming from year 9 and all and going back to yr 8 (i'm not dumb or anything, jeez, its just the stupid governments fault for making different states different years) so i had to do othe work while the class was doing other stuff. I was then going to do my test last Tuesday but i wasnt ready, so i was going to do it on thursday, but the teacher didnt bring the test. So THEN we decided to do it on monday (today) BUT SHE DIDNT BRING THE BLOODY TEST! AAAAARGH!!!!! DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!
P.S. I am going to Brisbane next week. YAY XD!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Oh deary Pants
OH DEAR! Oh deary deary me! I have not updated my blog for how many days??? One... two... three... four FOUR DAYS!!!! How absolutely positively terrible!!!! (no sarcasm applied). This would probs mostly be because I have been an extremely busy bee and couldnt be bothered to hop on to the computer to write a little message to my internet friends (who are actually all my real friends cause nobody but them will bother reading this).
Now I will update you on what has been happening in my ever so not exciting life.
On saturday I went to go see 'Coco Avant Chanel' or to those idiotas de la mancha who cant speak the simple language of french, 'Coco before Chanel' it was a lobely movie and was very well played. Though I do believe that Coco Chanel killed fashion. I am not saying her fashions are bad! No no no no no! Just that i absolutely luuuuuuuuuuurve those beautiful dresses they wore in those day and she went along and CUT THEM UP! Humph.
Now where was I?.... Ah yes! My weekend.
On sunday i had a vair vair vair tiring cheerleading competition, where we had to be from 9:00 in the morning to 6 in the evening. AND WE DID SO BLOODY WELL!!!! We didnt fall, or drop anyone, or forget what to do! But BUT the judges didn't think we did so bloody well. We didn't even place. It was really annoying because every single person in the whole compitition AND I MEAN EVERY SINGLE PERSON got some sort of medal, EXCEPT US! It was all berry sad. But vhat can u do? That is life. And hopfully we will do better in the next comp. r:
Now I will update you on what has been happening in my ever so not exciting life.
On saturday I went to go see 'Coco Avant Chanel' or to those idiotas de la mancha who cant speak the simple language of french, 'Coco before Chanel' it was a lobely movie and was very well played. Though I do believe that Coco Chanel killed fashion. I am not saying her fashions are bad! No no no no no! Just that i absolutely luuuuuuuuuuurve those beautiful dresses they wore in those day and she went along and CUT THEM UP! Humph.
Now where was I?.... Ah yes! My weekend.
On sunday i had a vair vair vair tiring cheerleading competition, where we had to be from 9:00 in the morning to 6 in the evening. AND WE DID SO BLOODY WELL!!!! We didnt fall, or drop anyone, or forget what to do! But BUT the judges didn't think we did so bloody well. We didn't even place. It was really annoying because every single person in the whole compitition AND I MEAN EVERY SINGLE PERSON got some sort of medal, EXCEPT US! It was all berry sad. But vhat can u do? That is life. And hopfully we will do better in the next comp. r:
Friday, August 28, 2009
Gabrielle Chanel
Did u know that Coco Chanel's real name is Gabrielle? Well it is. Don't u think thats funny? I find that very funny seeing is its my name XD. Anyhoo, now this guy called Adam at school, who lobes all sorts of designery stuff keeps on calling me Coco. But i don't mind cause Coco is a cool name! Oky dokey artachokey what happened today?.... Well not much interesting but we did do some meditation in french and our teacher was saying things like "think about the moment you were most happy in life" and "think about 5 people you can tell all your problems and love the most" in this soft, drifty voice and I got really upset cause I was thinking about a time when I was most happy and it was actually probably that time when I was at Lenny B's house and we were on facebook and we did a quiz to see what my first child's name is going to be and I got Jacob (I am not going to explain why this is so funny to me on here but all i have to say is it has something to do with that person i had to mention in my previous post). Well that made me really upset cause me and Lenny B had so much fun that day and cause i moved to Melbourne that will not happen very much anymore :( . I also got really upset when i had to think of those 5 people because all of those people are in Brisbane :( . WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
Love Gabsiwabsy
P.S. It turns out that that cheerleading lady did turn up but the stupid office didnt know what she was talking about EVEN THOUGH WE TOLD THEM SOMEONE WAS COMING!!!!!!!! So she left. ARGH!
Love Gabsiwabsy
P.S. It turns out that that cheerleading lady did turn up but the stupid office didnt know what she was talking about EVEN THOUGH WE TOLD THEM SOMEONE WAS COMING!!!!!!!! So she left. ARGH!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Talent Quest
*says in sing songy voice* We had talent quest today we had talent quest today and iiiiii had no school cause i watched it all daaaaaaaaaaayy. BUT IT WAS NOT ALL FUN AND GAMES!!!!!!!! Because me and a few of my friends are doing that cheerleading stunt routine that i mentioned earlier, and because it was just sooooooooooo dangerous we had to get a trained qualified insured level 2 cheer leading instructor to come in but, BUT she NEVER WELL BLOODY TURNED UP!!!! We were all psyched and ready for our show and knew that this lady, Louise, was coming at 10:00 so we knew we would have to come out of the audience to collect her from the front office. So there we were in the audiance, minding our own business, when we looked at the clock and realized it was 10!!!!! Kate then rushed out to check for her and she wasnt there. 10:10. Still not there. We tried calling no answer.
SHE WAS NOT COMING!!!!!!!!!!! Well we didnt know this for sure as SHE NEVER CONTACTED US ABOUT IT but if someone is three hours late.... And Kate tried calling her 9 times! You should have seen Kate, it was pretty amazing. She had a full on spaz attack, with the spazzes and everything!!! (oo-er!). We ended up having this other gymnastics coach who was watching other girls watch us, even though she was not qualified in cheer leading (sssssshhh...). But it was good for me because while other people were in class, i got to wait around and watch the show and then in period 4, when we had finished our show, my sports class had there go at watching! So basically i watched the whole Talent Show, all day!!!
Lobe you heaps (well that depends who u r. I dont want to send love to any random old men)
I will change that then
SHE WAS NOT COMING!!!!!!!!!!! Well we didnt know this for sure as SHE NEVER CONTACTED US ABOUT IT but if someone is three hours late.... And Kate tried calling her 9 times! You should have seen Kate, it was pretty amazing. She had a full on spaz attack, with the spazzes and everything!!! (oo-er!). We ended up having this other gymnastics coach who was watching other girls watch us, even though she was not qualified in cheer leading (sssssshhh...). But it was good for me because while other people were in class, i got to wait around and watch the show and then in period 4, when we had finished our show, my sports class had there go at watching! So basically i watched the whole Talent Show, all day!!!
Lobe you heaps (well that depends who u r. I dont want to send love to any random old men)
I will change that then
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
poo teachers
Pretty boring day today except at lunchy timey (but that wasnt not boring it was more actiony than the rest of the day), where we were TRYING to practice our cheer leading routine that we are doing for the talent quest tomorrow (!!!!!) but as we were practising this teacher came up to us and was all like "blah blah u stupid girls cannot practice without a qualified instructor blah blah otherwise i will lose my job blah blah i dont care if u will have to pull out of the talent quest blah blah blah BLAH". In the end we had to go to see the assistant principal who we could ask to get us cleared so we COULD do it on the oval and after about a million years of "we are very responsible little girls and the grass is very very soft and we all know how to do it properly, we were cleared. So off we trot down to the oval and started practicing. The these 2 OTHER teachers came along and started rambling on about how dangerous it was and how we could fall and break our little necks and "i am a qualified PE teacher, i teach PE" (ah DUH, what else would u teach?) so we had to stop practicing. Then Kate (my friend) started panicking and saying we should pull out cause we were not ready but we put our hands on our hips and gave the "you were the one to pull us into this when we didnt really want to do it and so we AREN'T BACKING OUT NOW!" and Kate had no choice but to go along with us. The end.
P.S. My friend Mia was complaining that I was always mentioning Lenny B but not her so i am gonna mention her now.
P.S. My friend Mia was complaining that I was always mentioning Lenny B but not her so i am gonna mention her now.
Monday, August 24, 2009
screaming Vati's
OMG THE funniest thing just happened. I was in my bedroom and in my bedroom there is this mannequin (i think thats how u spell it) with a big hooped dressy thing that i made a few years ago. So basically i was under the skirt (no dirty thoughts there i hope) and just chillaxing when my dad came into the room to give me five dollars. But he didnt know i was there. So he placed the money on my desk and started to walk back out of my room but as he walked past, I kinda came out from under the hoop and shouted a tiny wittle "rah!" and he screamed!!!!!! Have u ever heard ur dad scream? Well now I have and it is soooooooooooooooooooo funnay!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheer Comp
SOWWY SOWWY SOWWY that i didnt post yesterday my bloggy buddies. Would u like to know whyyyyyyyyyy????? Well basically i was at a CHEER LEADING COMPETITION. It was actually a lot of fun even though it vas vair vair small and there was only like 5 other clubs. It was at a really noice (or so my mutti says) sports center and it was in the basket ball courts where they had layed out ally these mats and put up balloons (perrrrdy balloons...). At firsty we had to just sit around waiting for our coach who is not actually our coach cause our REAL coach couldn't make it so i didnt know what she looked llike so i was all like "errrrr, is that her?". Eventually she arrived so we were able to start warming up. At one point i was trying to do a scorpion (which is where u grab ur leg while it is behind u then u pull it up so it is like a scorpion tail) but i cant actually do it (not because i am not flexible or anyfing but cause my arm doesnt twist right) so i pulled a muscle (is that the right spelling, or is that the shellfish?) in my shoulder and i was all like "ARGH ARGH ARGH I AM NOT GONNA BE ABLE TO CHEER" but then i was ok so all was gut. Then we competed and i thought we did pretty good for a group that had gotten like 5 new people really recently and had only like 3 weeks to practice a whole new routine but some people thought we did bad so poo to them :P. In the end we came 3rd (out of three) and i bet there will be people from my squad reading this and thinking "YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO TELL THEM THAT GABBY" but blogging is all about being fully honest so that is what i am doing. Anyhoo, we have got another cheer comp this weekend that is supposed to be MUCH bigger and i hope we do really well.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Taming of the Shrew
well well well. Last night i went to see 'The taming of the shrew' by the Bell Shakespeare company. U know the one? By Billy Shakespeare? Yes well anyhoo. It was pretty good and there were some pretty great actors in it EXCEPT THE WERE ALL GIRLS!!!!! So all the girls were dressed up and acting as guys and i have to say some did a really good job BUT THEN A FEW TIMES THE CHARACTERS HAD TO KISS. So basically i was sitting there in the audience watching these two women full on snogging and i swear they got up to number 5 or somefing. And once these other two women were kissing and one of them was about 25 and the other around 45!!!!!! Pretty scary stuff. Other than that it was a really great play and hilariously funny.
Friday, August 21, 2009
broken arms
ARGH!!!!! The worst thing happened today!!!!!! Ok. During PE everyone was mucking around (except me cause i was sitting out cause i was "sick") And this guy in my class jumped up and was hanging from the basketball hoop when suddenly, from all away across the hall i heard this *SNAP*. And i spun around and saw him clutching his arm and groaning and i saw that his arm was all bent and it looked exactly like Harry's arm when Lockheart took out all the bones from it in HP 2!!!!!!! So basically the first thing I thought when I saw it was "where's Lockheart?". But then u know, i realized that this isnt Hogwarts and that made me depressed. IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOO SCARY!!!!!!!!! I felt sick.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I like Piiiiiee...
My Grandparents just came over for dinner and brought a yummy scrumboes pie. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
I am going to be Internet famous
I just came back from school. I have to walk home. It is really really really really really tiring. Not because I am weak or anything, but because there is a big humongous (or however u spell it) monster of a hill just before my house and i am all huffy puffy once i reach the top.
I have now decided that I am going to become an internet star. I am going to have a reeeeeally cool/funny/fabbo/exciting blog that everyone is going to love to read! This is basically because I read a vair gut book that was COMPLETELY a blog. Nothing else. And in the book this girl who is the blogger becomes internet famous and has readers reading her blog from all across the globe and Jupiter 2!!!!!!!!!! I thought that sounded pretty awesomauce if you ask me.
P.S. The book is called 'Big Woo'
P.P.S. I will find out the author at a later date
P.P.P.S Everyone should read it
P.P.P.P.S. Well maybe not guys, cause it is a girly book
P.P.P.P.P.S. I lobed it
I have now decided that I am going to become an internet star. I am going to have a reeeeeally cool/funny/fabbo/exciting blog that everyone is going to love to read! This is basically because I read a vair gut book that was COMPLETELY a blog. Nothing else. And in the book this girl who is the blogger becomes internet famous and has readers reading her blog from all across the globe and Jupiter 2!!!!!!!!!! I thought that sounded pretty awesomauce if you ask me.
P.S. The book is called 'Big Woo'
P.P.S. I will find out the author at a later date
P.P.P.S Everyone should read it
P.P.P.P.S. Well maybe not guys, cause it is a girly book
P.P.P.P.P.S. I lobed it
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
hello hello potential blog followers. This my second post (just letting those out there who are a bit on the dumb side know). Sooooooooo what happened today??? Well basically I went to school and we had PE. I HATE PE!!!!!! PE is stupid. I am terrible at sport so i basically just ended up walking around in circles thinking about the number 42. Once the ball whizzed RIGHT past my head. It was REALLY scary. I actually felt it skim my face! And I was all like "WOOAH" and then like, erm, thats all. It all went pretty quickly. HA! That reminds me of the time when me and my besty pally Lenny B were playing dodge ball (in PE :P) and we were bored so we were doing the kiss (as in by Prince, the bandy thing) dance from our musical when suddenly, out of nowhere, THWACK! A ball came flying through the air and hit Lenny B in the head. It was soooooooooooo hilarious!!!!!! And then everyone was gathering around her and asking if she was ok so she started crying but because I know her so well I knew she was laughing on the inside so I was like to everyone "GO AWAY SHE IS FINE LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!" So then we went into the bathroom and started laughing our heads off. Haaaaaaaa... good times, good times...
Monday, August 17, 2009
My awesomauce new Blog!
Hola mon amies! Welcome to my new Blog! I haven't ever had a blog before so yar. I always thought that my life is so not interesting enough to have a blog so I wouldn't make one but the my friend Veronica showed me how awesomauce blogging can be so I thought, why not? I am reasonably interesting and at least mon amie Gill likes reading what I write. Well, thats my intro and now I will talk a wittle bit about me at the mo. I am living in Melbourne, Australia and I have just moved here from Brisbane. I am reeeeeeaaaaally missing my friends and wish they were here wif me :( And er, thats all for now. I will post more tomorrow!
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