Tuesday, August 18, 2009


hello hello potential blog followers. This my second post (just letting those out there who are a bit on the dumb side know). Sooooooooo what happened today??? Well basically I went to school and we had PE. I HATE PE!!!!!! PE is stupid. I am terrible at sport so i basically just ended up walking around in circles thinking about the number 42. Once the ball whizzed RIGHT past my head. It was REALLY scary. I actually felt it skim my face! And I was all like "WOOAH" and then like, erm, thats all. It all went pretty quickly. HA! That reminds me of the time when me and my besty pally Lenny B were playing dodge ball (in PE :P) and we were bored so we were doing the kiss (as in by Prince, the bandy thing) dance from our musical when suddenly, out of nowhere, THWACK! A ball came flying through the air and hit Lenny B in the head. It was soooooooooooo hilarious!!!!!! And then everyone was gathering around her and asking if she was ok so she started crying but because I know her so well I knew she was laughing on the inside so I was like to everyone "GO AWAY SHE IS FINE LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!" So then we went into the bathroom and started laughing our heads off. Haaaaaaaa... good times, good times...


  1. yes yes, just tell the world of my ugly encounter with a dodge ball....bahahahahaha...
    it was funny...and i snorted!!! it was sooooo funnay!!
    i was crying and i snorted, hilarious
    that was the exact same day when i left my hair all curly and frizzy and etc

  2. BWAHAHAHAHAHHHA!!! I dont actually remember ur hair though but i do remember the snort!!!! LOLPORRIDGE!!!!
