Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Talent Quest

*says in sing songy voice* We had talent quest today we had talent quest today and iiiiii had no school cause i watched it all daaaaaaaaaaayy. BUT IT WAS NOT ALL FUN AND GAMES!!!!!!!! Because me and a few of my friends are doing that cheerleading stunt routine that i mentioned earlier, and because it was just sooooooooooo dangerous we had to get a trained qualified insured level 2 cheer leading instructor to come in but, BUT she NEVER WELL BLOODY TURNED UP!!!! We were all psyched and ready for our show and knew that this lady, Louise, was coming at 10:00 so we knew we would have to come out of the audience to collect her from the front office. So there we were in the audiance, minding our own business, when we looked at the clock and realized it was 10!!!!! Kate then rushed out to check for her and she wasnt there. 10:10. Still not there. We tried calling no answer.
SHE WAS NOT COMING!!!!!!!!!!! Well we didnt know this for sure as SHE NEVER CONTACTED US ABOUT IT but if someone is three hours late.... And Kate tried calling her 9 times! You should have seen Kate, it was pretty amazing. She had a full on spaz attack, with the spazzes and everything!!! (oo-er!). We ended up having this other gymnastics coach who was watching other girls watch us, even though she was not qualified in cheer leading (sssssshhh...). But it was good for me because while other people were in class, i got to wait around and watch the show and then in period 4, when we had finished our show, my sports class had there go at watching! So basically i watched the whole Talent Show, all day!!!
Lobe you heaps (well that depends who u r. I dont want to send love to any random old men)
I will change that then

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